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March 6, 2020

Genesis Tekapo Power Station

Genesis Tekapo Power Station (Header)

Project Overview

Genesis Tekapo Power Station is located between Tekapo and Twizel. Total Height Safety were engaged to provide rescue support while inspection teams were working in confined space. 


Genesis Energy






On this occasion, the teams were inspecting the painted interior of the Penstock pipe which is 4 metres in diameter and 1.2 kilometres long. Total Height Safety provided a comprehensive safety plan and equipment to support those workers inside.  The gear set up was such that if a rescue was to be performed this could be done without entering the Penstock, this is particularly important in the case of an environmental hazard. The method of securing the inspection team was connection by ropes through access hatches every 100 metres. We set up two separate systems and leap frogged them over each other as we progressed down the length of the Penstock. Regular communication via radio ensured all steps were monitored.


  • 1.2km long